Dato’ Sri NG Tat-yung was on the cover of International Financing magazine
Dato’ Sri NG Tat-yung was on the cover of the Times of Leaders magazine
His Excellency Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung is a world-renowned philanthropist, public diplomat, inventor, spiritual mentor, and artist of calligraphy, painting, poetry, composition, lyrics.
His Excellency has notable academic achievements as Honorary President and Senior Fellow of Board of Directors of Asian College of Knowledge Management, Visiting Professor and Honorary Fellow of the Canadian Chartered Institute of Business Administration, Honorary Director of Institute of Industry Development and Special Research Fellow of Academic Research Council of the Chinese Academy of Management Science, Visiting professor of Business School of Chinese Academy of Management Science.
His Excellency has founded the World Trade United Foundation a non-profit organisation with consultative status to the United Nations, and has been promoting public good and charity work throughout the world for years with donations of more than 300 million Chinese Yuan. His Excellency has awarded honor titles DIMP and SSAP by Sultan Ahmad Shah of Pahang the seventh Supreme Head of Malaysia, and has honored as Marchese by Prince Bosco.
His Excellency served as Steering Committee Member of the UN High-level International Conference on International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028, and Member of Steering Committee of UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on Environment.
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung attended the first session of UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on Environment, with the president and vice-president of UNGA, the president of UNEA and other UN officials.
As a Steering Committee Member of UN Science-Policy-Business Forum on Environment, Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung addressed at the first meeting of the governing consortium in New York.
As a member of Internationl Steering Committee, Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung addressed at the plenary of High-Level Conference on Water Action Decade of the UN.
His Excellency is committed to the benefit of all mankind, and has been visiting places around the world for over 20 years, actively in South Korea, United States and Australia, for causes on public diplomacy, cultural exchange, education, philanthropy and ameliorating world trade environment, definitely, has laid solid grounds for the Foundation’s flourishing development.
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung attended the High-Level Conference on Water Action Decade of the UN with heads of governments, officials of the UN and representatives of international organisations.
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung founded a charity and donated HK$1.5 million to Tajikistan to build a school for orphans, and Hasan Asadullozoda the Chairman of Orienbank received the donation on behalf of the charity as the first chairman.
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung visited an orphan school in Dushanbe and donated to the cause on charitable education in Tajikistan.
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung raised HK$2 million for Development Fund for Youth on Technology Innovation to support incubations of entrepreneurship.
Zhang Xiaoming (4th from right), director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong, accepted a HK$1 million donation from Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (5th from right). Source: Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong.
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung addressed at the ninth session of Global Sustainable Development Forum on Water Resources.
Hon. Zhuang Shi-ping (right) and Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung co-founded Hong Kong Buddhist Cultural Estate in 2000.
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung has led delegations to visit Mongolia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Japan, America, Australia and other countries for cultural exchanges. Being Received by heads of states, special envoys, senior officials, legislature and party leaders of dozens of countries, His Excellency is very active in public diplomacy across five continents and has held numerous international events, including those to celebrate establishment of diplomatic relations between China and countries like America, South Korea and Australia, 3 sessions of World Peace Prayer Meetings, 10 sessions of Global Sustainable Development Forums on Water Resources, drawing tens of thousands of participants.
His Excellency has organized charitable activities for disaster relief, anti-pandemic, poverty relief and others; has founded Guangming Sanctuary Park, home to thousands of abandoned animals; and has been sponsoring monks from temples and students in remote areas.
His Excellency has participated and addressed at UN High-level Conference on Water Action Decade with a theme on Revolutionary Solutions to Water Resources for Future of Mankind, contributed into building of a community of common destiny for Humanity and sustainable development.
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and Hon. Bruce Atkinson MLC the President of Legislative Council of Victorian Parliament in Australia
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and Hon. MOON Hee-sang the Speaker of the 20th National Assembly of South Korea
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Donald J. Trump the 45th U.S. President
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung, Kevin McCarthy the 55th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (right) and Mike Pence, the 48th U.S. Vice President (left)
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Bill Clinton the 42nd U.S. President
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Matteo Renzi the 56th Prime Minister of Italy
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Dominique de Villepin the 167th Prime Minister of France
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Osvaldo Hurtado the 45th President of Ecuador
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Viktor Andriyovich Yushchenko the 3rd President of Ukraine
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Moussa Mara the 14th President of Mali
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez the 45th Presidente of Costa Rica
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Lawrence Gonzi the 12th Prime Minister of Malta
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Jorge Quiroga the 62nd president of Bolivia
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Felipe Calderón the 56th President of Mexico
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Danilo Turk the 3rd President of Slovenia
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Nambaryn Enkhbayar the 3rd President of Mongolia
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Mahinda Rajapaksa the 6th President of Sri Lanka
The delegation of WTUF attended the high-level international conference on Water Action Decade and officials of Tajikistan Government: Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (3rd from right); Mahmadtoir Zokirzoda the Deputy Prime Minister of Tajikistan (3rd from left); Datin Sri Dr. NG Tsz-yan Irys (2nd from right) Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan (1st from left); MIAO Geng-shu, Vice Chairman of Heaven Springs (2nd from left); Kalon Damdorov, Chief Commercial Representative and Commercial Counselor of the Embassy of Tajikistan in China (1st from the right)
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Ban Ki-moon the 8th Secretary-general of United Nations
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (2nd from left) and Hon. LIU Zhen-min, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations (2nd from right)
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and Hon. LIM Chae-jung the Speaker of the 17th National Assembly of South Korea
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and H.E. Dr. Edgar Gutiérrez-Espeleta the President of the 3rd United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA3)
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and QBSF president Mohamed Mubarak al-Ramzani
His Excellency Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yunghas conferred Peace Medal and Golden Eagle Medal of Honour to elites from military, politics, diplomacy, academia social organizations and business circles including Dr. YU Sun-say GBM JP Member of Standing Committee of 10th and 11th National Committee of CPPCC, Dr. LO Man-tuen GBM JP Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Hon. Bruce Atkinson MLC the President of the Victorian Legislative Council of Australia, LIM Jong-seong Member of National Assembly and Vice Chairman of Organising Committee of the Ruling Party of South Korea, H.E. Dr. Karunasena Kodituwakku the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka to China, H.E. Mr. Tapusalaia Toomata the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Independent State of Samoa to China, as well as Representatives of the heads of states or ambassadors from over 30 countries including Montenegro, Croatia, Tunisia and Micronesia to recognise their contributions to world peace, cultural exchange, international partnership and trade.
The “20th Anniversary Celebration of the World Trade United Fund” was grandly held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Diplomatic representatives from 11 countries’ consulates general in Hong Kong and Macau attended to congratulate the event. Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, deputies of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, members of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, representatives from various sectors including politics, business, and social organizations gathered together in this auspicious occasion.
Professor Dato’ Sri NG Tat-yung and Claude Giampietro, Economic Officer at the Consulate General of the United States in Hong Kong and Macau, Rinchen Rakshaev, Deputy Consul General at the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Hong Kong, Dr. SO Shu-fai, ComM, Honorary Consul of the Portuguese Republic in the Hong Kong, Slamet Noegroho, Consul for Economic Affairs at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Hong Kong.
拿督斯里吴罡豪教授與Pham Binh Dan – 越南駐香港總領事館總領事, Phimmasone Inseny – 老撾駐香港總領事館副領事, Maryam Ahmad A. Al-Shibi – 卡塔爾駐香港總領事館代理總領事, Eduardo Pelagio Alvarez Hernandez – 多明尼加駐香港及澳門總領事館總領事
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung awarded the World Peace Ambassador certificate and scepter to Mei Baojiu, China’s national first-class actor, head of Mei Lanfang Peking Opera Troupe, member of the 7th to 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, inheritor of national intangible cultural heritage
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung presented the “Special Contribution Award to Youth Entrepreneurship Week” to Komuro Tetsuya, the “Godfather of Asian Music”
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung and Korean actress Bae Seul-ki presented Dae-hwan Oh with the “Most Popular Actor” award
Having been invited to National Day Reception at the Great Hall of People for 8 consecutive years, His Excellency Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung has won dozens of awards including Outstanding Contributions to China Credit Top 10 Innovative Figureson Development of New Economy Model of China, World’s Most Influential Chinese Leader, Chinese Lifetime Achievement Award on Technology; and over 130 recognitions from different countries and regions including Recognition on Contributions from US Congressional and California State Legislature for 7 years, Highest US Army commendation, American National Flag and Commander’s Sword. His Excellency is also the only laureate of recognition for his contribution to UN Water for Sustainable Development.
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung was invited to attend the 2011 National Day Reception
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung was with Gen. Zhang Wannian, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission at the 2012 National Day Reception
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung was with Dr. LO Man-tuen GBM JP, Deputy Director of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPPCC National Committee at the 2013 National Day Reception
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung was accompanied by Ray LUI Leung Wai a well-know actor at the 2014 National Day Reception
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (middle) was accompanied by well-know actors Zhang Tielin (left) and Ray LUI Leung Wai (right) at the 2014 National Day Reception
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (left) was with Dr. LO Man-tuen GBM JP, Deputy Director of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPPCC National Committee (right) at the 2016 National Day Reception
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (7th from left) was accompanied by a delegation of World Trade United Foundation at the 2017 National Day Reception
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (left) and BAI Lichen, member of the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and vice chairman of the 9th, 10th, and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (right)
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (behind, right); BAI Lichen, member of the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and vice chairman of the 9th, 10th, and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (front, middle); HUANG Mengfu, Vice Chairman of the 9th, 10th and 11th National Committee of the CPPCC, Honorary Chairman of the National Federation of Industry and Commerce (front, right); LU Ming, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC, vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic National Construction Association, and former vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture (front, left)
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (right) and LI Jinhua, member of the 15th and 16th Central Committee, auditor general of the Audit Office of the People’s Republic of China, and vice chairman of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (left)
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (left) and LI Wuwei, famous economist, vice chairman of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Father of China’s creative industry (right)
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (right) and ZHANG Meiying, Vice Chairman of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, first vice chairman of the Democratic League Central Committee, and vice chairman of the All China Women’s Federation (left)
ZHANG Meiying, Vice Chairman of the 10th and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, former First Vice Chairman of the Democratic League Central Committee, and Vice Chairman of the All-China Women’s Federation (second from right), received Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung, Chairman of the Central Council of World Trade United Foundation (second from left), Hon Bruce Atkinson MLC (first from left) Honorary Chairman of WTUF, President of the Legislation Council of Victoria弓Parliament of Australia, and Gen. YUE Xuanyi, President of the Institute of Legal Literature Research (first from the right) at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
Hon. LEUNG Chun-ying (front, 3rd from left), Hong Kong Chief Executive at the time, Vice Chairman of the 14th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference attended the 2015 Inaugural Ceremony of WTUF
Hon. LEUNG Chun-ying (front, 2rd from right), Hong Kong Chief Executive at the time, Vice Chairman of the 14th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference attended the Spring Banquet 2015 of WTUF
The podium of the 15th China Integrity Entrepreneur Conference: Zhou Tienong Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress (front, 2nd from right), Qi Xuchun Vice Chairman of the 12th National Committee of the CPPCC (front, 1st from right), Zhou Daojiong former Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission (front, 2nd from left), and Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (behind, 3rd from left)
The 21st China Scientists Forum was held in Beijing. MA Peihua, Vice Chairman of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (17th from the left, first row), Professor Dato’ Sri NG Tat-yung, a member of the steering committee of the United Nations Science-Policy-Business Forum on Environment and Vice Chairman of the China Scientists Forum (13th from the right, first row), as well as nearly 2,000 scientists, experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs from across the country attended the conference.
The 21st China Scientists Forum was held in Beijing. ZHANG Baowen Vice Chairman of the 12th National People’s Congress Standing Committee (15th from the left, first row), Professor Dato’ Sri NG Tat-yung, member of Steering committee of the United Nations Science-Policy-Business Forum on Environment and Vice Chairman of the China Scientists Forum (13th from the right, right row), as well as nearly 2,000 scientists, experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, and others from across the country attended the conference.
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (left) was awarded the Recognition of Contribution to High-Level Conference on Water Action Decade by H.E. Sirojiddin Muhriddin the minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan (right)
Dr. YU Sun-say GBM (4th from right), member of the Standing Committee of the 10th and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and founding chairman of the Hong Kong Commerce and Industry Association, presented a certificate of appointment to Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung (4th from left) as an honorary consultant of the Hong Kong Commerce and Industry Association
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung officiated reception of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the World Trade United Foundation at the Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Center
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung owns a number of technological inventions and holds over 300 patents for inventions internationally, such as Air Purification and Condensation System, Atmospheric H20 Conversion System, earning of the title of Father of Atmospheric Water Generation. His Excellency’s research and development results also include: Scalar Wave Quantum Introduction System, Quantum Physiotherapy System and other quantum technology applications.
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung the founder of the International Scalar Wave Quantum Institute; Datin Sri Dr. NG Tsz-yan Irys the President of the Institute; General Li Nanzheng, Invited Senior Researcher;Lim Jong-seong Honorary Advisor of the Institute, and Member of the Korean National Assembly, President of the ruling party organization; Moon Hee-jae Honorary Advisor; Kang bing-deok, Honorary Advisor, and vice chairman of the Policy Committee of the ruling party of South Korea; Li Shixiong, former vice chairman of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; Li Hongyuan, chairman of the Xiamen Pharmaceutical Association and former director of the Xiamen Food and Drug Administration; Li Rong, executive vice president of the institute, and member of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; Dr. Zhang Hong, member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the Shenzhen Association for Science and Technology, and chairman of the Futian Branch of the Zhi Gong Party; Zhang Hao, vice chairman for Korea of the World Trade Union Foundation; and Yang Xiaoming, former director of the Xiamen National Security Bureau, jointly cut the ribbon for the launch of the institute .
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung has addressed at UN high-level conference on International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”, United Nations Environment Assembly, Great Hall of the People, and gave themed lectures at Tsinghua University, HK University of Science and Technology, University of California (UCLA), Columbia University, Deakin University of Australia, covering subjects of humanities, economy, technology and politics. Specifically, Secret of Vibration: Quantum physics, World Economy in the Future, Integrative development of Innovation and Sustainability of Digital Economy, Importance of the Development of Chinese Digital Currency, History of Currencies: Sterling, Franc and Dollar, Strategy on Belt and Road Initiative, Global Water Resources and Sustainable Development, The Rise of Britain, France and the United States, Doomsday of the New World, History of Freemasons and Illuminati, Myths of the Genesis; On Phage and Virino, On Pandemic History, Rule of Universe, Hidden Wisdom of Lv Dongbin, Mysterious Ties among Lv Donbin, Jung and Pauli, Vajrayana the Key to Self Cultivation, Conventional Truth and Ultimate Truth, Secrets to Naro’s Six Doctrines Kalachakra Abhisheka, Guideline on Great Perfection, The Way to Mahasanti, and others.
His Excellency has received interviews from CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, Al Jazeera, and was on the cover of World Trade Fortune Info, International Financing. Ta Kung Pao, Wenweipo and other mainstream media have all gave extensive reports on his events and articles.
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung was interviewed by CCTV when he participated in the third United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi
Dato’ Sri Prof. NG Tat-yung was interviewed by CCTV as the vice chairman of the China Scientists Forum
Professional positions
Member of International Steering Committee, High-level International Conference on International Action Decade “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028
Member of Steering Committee, United Nations Science-Policy-Business Forum on Environment
Special Invited Expert of the third United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA3)
Certified Trainer on Capacity Building Program for UNEA5
Special Invited Expert of Summit on South-south Cooperation
Academic positions
Advisor, Tsinghua University Heroic Culture Fund
Vice Chairman, China Scientists Forum
Chief Scientist on All-health, China Scientists Forum
Executive Vice Chairman, Western Economy and Trade Research of The Association for promotion of West China Research and Development
Visiting Professor, Business School of Chinese Academy of Management Science
Honorary President, Industrial Development Research of Chinese Academy of Management Science
Special Researcher, Academy Committee of Chinese Academy of Management Science
Honorary Dean, Asia Knowledge Management Academy
Senior Fellow, Asia Knowledge Management Academy
Visiting Professor, Canadian Institute of Management
Honorary Fellow, Canadian Institute of Management
Honorary Doctor of Management, Lincoln University
Honorary Chairman, Federation of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Society
Social positions
Founder, World Trade United Foundation (UN consultative NGO)
Founder, International Scalar Wave Quantum Institute (affiliate under UN consultative NGO)
Founder, Global Sustainable Development Fund on Water Resources (affiliate under UN consultative NGO)
Co-founder and Executive Chairman of Global Investment Fund (affiliate under UN consultative NGO)
Executive Chairman, Global Metaverse Conference (GMC)
Founder & Honorary Advisor of Committee on Liaison with Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and Overseas Chinese, subsidiary of AAAAA-grade Civil Society
Founding Chairman, China Cross-strait Culture Exchange Association
Founding Chairman, Hong Kong-Macao-Taiwan Culture Exchange Association
The Sole Supreme Permanent Honorary Chairman, North America Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Honorary Chairman, United Nations Chinese Ethics Association
Honorary Chairman, Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles
Founding Chairman, United Chinese Commerce Association of Australia
Executive Chairman, China Dominican General Chamber of Commerce
Executive Chairman, China Gabon General Chamber of Commerce
Permanent Honorary Chairman, America Guangdong Community Association
Senior Director on International Business, Koperasi Peseta Polis Selangor
The Sole Supreme Honorary Adviser, Chinese Masonic Society of Melbourne
The Sole Supreme Honorary Advisor, Bing Kong Association, Los Angeles
Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Commerce and Industry Associations